
An ongoing exploration of Nothingness. A brand encompassing imposter syndrome.

Nil is nothing. I am an imposter.

Imposter Syndrome is a common phenomenon felt by people who have achieved some level of success that they do not believe they deserve.

People with Imposter Syndrome often attribute their accomplishments to luck, or feel as though they have “faked it,” and constantly worry about being “found out” for their fraud.

70% of people will experience Imposter Syndrome in their lifetime. People in any field, especially the creative field, are    at risk of feeling fraudulent.

Nil is a deep dive into a case

of imposter syndrome.

None of this work means anything. Nothing has been done to achieve success.

What if you could design and create something with the message of nothing? A shift from purpose and knowledge and accomplishment in a world where we are measured by these things daily to a focus on admittance, and exposure, and unabashed acceptance of one’s own phoniness.

The promise of “Coming soon” encompasses the pressure and anxiety of greatness and the constant production of meaningful work.

But Nil is Nothing. I am an Imposter.

It is all fake.

This project is a collection of bad

and meaningless artworks.

Releasing the fear that this work is not good enough. These artworks come together as the brand Nil. This projects is nil.

This project means nothing.

It is fake.

Design is meant to convey a message, or create visual meaning and communication. But how can you convey a message if you don't know what you're doing?

The intent to fail with each piece. Various mediums create the graphics for this project, as well as a set of loose brand guidelines to tie each of the works together.

Nil was showcased during RIT's 2022 Graphic Design Capstone presentations. All artwork is original and the mediums span photography, illustrarion, painting, intallations, and sculpture. To view Nil's digital installation, follow @nil_official.22 on instagram.


In the Ashes of Ghost Ship

